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Rasika Manjari dasi
5 min read
Finding Fabulous Freedom
Busting out can feel really good when you’ve been confined or locked in to somewhere, someone or something for too long...

Rasika Manjari dasi
6 min read
Love - Cliché or Real?
Love – such a cliché really, but not to the heart. Real love seeks out a mentor, a master, a teacher, relentlessly seeking a place of rest

Rasika Manjari dasi
5 min read
Battle Weary
Are you a battle weary warrior tired of the constant onslaughts of the world in which you live? Discover how to win the ultimate battle.

Rasika Manjari dasi
5 min read
Sacred Mantra Meditation
When things get really challenging, do you ever feel like you could just make a wish and everything would magically be all right?

Rasika Manjari dasi
6 min read
What Is Bhakti Yoga?
Bhakti Yoga is like coming home.
It’s where the weary heart comes to rest and revive itself after the daily grind. It is about the Soul.

Rasika Manjari dasi
5 min read
Welcome to New Heart New World!
This is a place where your heart can find sanctuary from the confusion and chaos of our beloved planet. I’m pretty sure you know what I mean
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